Psoriasis in Olney, MD
Everyone wants beautifully smooth skin, but unfortunately psoriasis can get in the way. It’s a chronic, or long-term, disease that can be provoked by weather, stress, certain infections, injuries, and a number of other triggers.
What Is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a long-term condition that causes your skin cells to multiply rapidly, forming red, itchy, scaly patches. It’s thought to be an immune system issue, caused by it attacking healthy skin cells. There are multiple types, including plaque psoriasis(the most common type), guttate, inverse, erythrodermic, pustular, and exfoliative psoriasis.
The symptoms can be mild to severe, including itching and burning sensations on the skin as well as soreness or bleeding from scratching too hard. Psoriasis can be found in many areas of the body, including the face, scalp, hands and feet, and even genitals.
What Treatments Are Available for Psoriasis?
There are several psoriasis treatments available on the market. These range from topical ointments to oral medications. Innovative treatments such as Aerolase(link to page once it’s posted), an energy-based laser for cosmetic and medical dermatological concerns, can help truly heal the skin.
Aerolase provides results in as little as one treatment and is safe and effective for nearly everyone. It’s non-invasive and very gentle, with little to no reported side effects by psoriasis sufferers. And the best part? Results may last years!

Am I a Good Candidate for Aerolase Psoriasis Treatment?
If you suffer from psoriasis and want to improve the health of your skin, you are likely an ideal candidate for Aerolase.
Talk to a cosmetic dermatology specialist to find out if you’re eligible for this remarkable treatment.
Where Can I Get the Top Psoriasis Treatments in Olney?
Put an end to the itch, the flakiness and peeling, the rashes, and the unwanted emotional effects that these symptoms can have with psoriasis treatments from the best dermatology specialists in Olney!
Call us today at 301-917-3870 and stop psoriasis in its tracks.